Florence Campbell Elementary School

At Florence Campbell, there is a strong focus on technology that requires students to have access to laptops and iPads at all times for their use during instruction and for extra practice between classes. Additionally, teachers provide electronic portfolios that allow parents to monitor student progress as well as classroom work.
There are clubs such as the Book Club which meet to discuss books and current events, and clubs involving sports such as soccer. The school puts on a musical every year for students in grades K-5.
Students occasionally take field trips that sometimes include going to other schools or museums. A few past field trips have included: whale watching, the County Fair, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Every year, seventh-graders go on a two-day retreat where they participate in activities such as hiking and talking about their experiences at Florence Campbell. This is to help students settle into middle school and feel more comfortable with their surroundings before seventh grade starts.
The school has also a strict uniform policy that requires students to wear white, collared shirts with black or khaki bottoms for every day of the week. On Fridays, students can dress casually; however, some teachers hold a "dress down" rotation in which they all wear casual clothes on certain days instead of dressing casually every Friday.
In addition to technology, the school has a number of clubs that teach students life skills such as leadership and communication. This involves sports such as soccer or fashion ventures. Looking for furnace repair services in Houston? Contact our experts today!
Big Texas Comfort of League City
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Big Texas Comfort of League City
2600 South Shore Blvd Suite 300, League City, TX 77573